Wow, our first contest! ARE YOU EXCITED?
I don't know about you, but if I face the fact that summer is gone, my bunz will be parked on the couch with a spoon and my good friends Ben & Jerry, in a TOTAL DEPRESSION! So to prevent that sad scenario, I have decided to celebrate the smells and sights of summer with a contest!
Simply comment below on this blog post and tell me your FAVORITE SUMMER PASTIME, and get automatically entered to win THREE FREE 8x10s! Get them when you book your next shoot with me OR for you out-of-towners, pick your 3 choices from my TRAVEL portfolio!
UNLIMITED ENTRIES, and be sure to tell your friends!
Ana :)
Blogging. Obviously.
Poopy, I thought I could get you out here to get pictures of Jason if I won!
My favorite summer past-time is making juice popsicles with the kiddos and then letting them run through the sprinklers while eating them!
My favorite summer past time is the slipping on the slip and slide. I know I am an adult but there is nothing funnier than seeing your friends and family get grass burn because they over-shot the slippery slide. And of course the one rock in the whole yard manages to get under the slide and therefore in your ribcage. Good Times.
My favorite summer past-time is picking fresh blackberries or raspberries, bringing them home warm from the sun, and making a cobbler.
The best summer evenings involve hot evenings, cool pools, and icy margaritas.
Here in SC summer weather has really just begun, but for the calendar summer I love making watermelon agua frescas and making jam from berries that I just picked.
viewing all of your amazing pics :)
Running around my new backyard with my little munchkin! :) BBQ's and booze in the sunshine are pretty great too!
My favorite past-time this summer was spending time with my four wonderful grandaughters. Having fun days in the pool and going to fun places so you can watch their delight in seeing new things.
Bobbi said ....
I live near Henry Cowell State Park and love to walk there in the evening (around sunset) with my greyhounds and watch the fawns come out to play. The last few weeks have been even more amazing because the dragonflies are out and divebombing. Quite spectacular!
hi ana - your mom forwarded your blog on to me. i've really enojoyed looking at your photos - they are lovely.
my favorite summer thing is to lie in a hammock in the sun, reading until i am so drowsy with the heat and the luxury of reading non-school books that i can barely keep my eyes open... and then running through sprinklers.
-cristin o'grady
So glad Cristin still likes lying in a hammock on a summer day. One July 3rd many years ago, she and friend Sarah were playing in the backyard hammock, seeing how many times they could flip it over. Cristin fell out and broke her arm. I was NOT sympathetic. But it did become apparent that ice and rest were not going to make it better, so we ended up spending the night is the ER. Not good when the residents have just started their rotations, but that's another story.
Wow, thanks for all the fantastic visions of summer everyone--this is FUN! Keep 'em coming, you have a few days left to add in your thoughts for a chance to WIN! and THANKS for supporting me!
Ok I got one more in me...I love watching summer thundershowers on my parents' screened in porch. The smell, the sound, and the cool air are always a great treat after sweltering temps. And when that one lightning bolt hits a little too close and sends everyone running into the house, it is a great laugh. Ah summer.
The rare warm summer nights in Seattle. Makes my body melt. ahhhh.
watching ninja turtle re runs in my undies!
I love camping with my family and friends.
You can sleep in a tent, or under the stars! And when you wake up, it could be a day of hiking, or water skiing, or lounging around playing Dominoes and eating.
Summer means so many things to me!
Walking along the cliffs watching the sun sparkle on the waves..the joy of children's laughter as they run and play and explore the outside...
It means caprese and a crisp white wine...
It means the infectious giggle on the lake as toddlers go out on a boat or jet ski for the first time... it means amazing evening light and sunsets...
Sangria, friends and expectations of the coming fall....
Summer means BIRTHDAY PARTIES!!!!!
Alex turned 3 - so lots of balloons, cupcakes, bouncy house and pinata fun!
The season of babies.. Mackenzie and Cody both joined us and lots of new ones will be entering the word next Spring/Summer....
Summer is laughter with a side of olliberries!
ok last one: toes in beach sand, reclined in a beach chair, listening to ocean waves, reading a great book.
Being outside with kenny and molly and the neighborhood boys playing basketball and wiffleball. we had so much fun doing it this summer! also, laying out in the sun always feels nice!!!!!! see you soon!
A day with my family spent at a pool. Alternating swimming and frolicking in the water with BBQ food and snacks.
At night, the kids collapse, happy and exhausted, while my wife and I enjoy the night air and sophisticated adult beverages - listening to the crickets.
Relaxing in the shade under a big tree in my backyard, enjoying a glass of wine with a good book and my dog!
So far my favorite pastime has been spending it with friends and family. We had a great summer hanging out. -Caryn
Eating lobster at the shore. -Daniel P. Schechter
Playing in the water! Swimming with our dogs in the green pond, floating with my granddaughter in a clear blue pool, kayaking with a friend on a foggy lake, walking barefoot with Dan in the icy ocean... Followed by blueberry pie! -Liz
Summer magic: Fireflies (or lightning bugs) sparklers, real big fireworks and shooting stars!
My favorite summer thing is hot fudge sundae's, I do not eat them any other time of the year.
My favorite summer past time is playing all day in the ocean waves!! Boogie boarding, body surfing, seeing who could swim out the furthest and then getting dragged back in by a lifeguard... awesome memories.
Then, By the time I lay down in bed and close my eyes I still feel like I'm moving through the waves... a priceless feeling.
a favorite summer pastime is... listening to the rustling leaves in the forest while staring at the horizon and the sky, sipping overchilled white wine, with Norah Jones floating in the air.
another favorite summer pastime is enjoying steamers & great ale overlooking the ocean, watching sun rays bounce off boats...
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